Fluoride Treatments
Whenever we eat, especially sugary foods, bacteria in the mouth break down the sugars into acid, which first softens the teeth by removing calcium from the outer layer of enamel. Eventually the tooth can become so soft that a break occurs in this layer, which is a cavity that then must be treated.
Fluoride treatments can replace the missing calcium from the tooth, re-hardening the soft spots before they become cavities. In addition, the fluoride treatment makes the tooth more resistant to further softening and cavities.
Different levels of fluoride treatments are needed depending on a person's age, cavity risk, and environment. We offer several fluoride supplements and counseling on appropriate amounts.
To schedule a fluoride treatment contact out Clintonville office here.
Make an appointment or schedule a consultation.
We take pride in making your dental experience as pleasant and comfortable as possible. We will thoroughly present treatment options, fully explain our procedures and provide customized instructions for you to maintain your oral health. It is our goal to have you feel secure in the treatment of your dental needs.
We use the latest techniques to assure you are comfortable during each procedure. These options will be discussed with you during the treatment planning consultation.
Schedule your initial consultation with Beechwold Dental Care today!